


Welcome to to the world of the Akasha!

The Akashic Records are an energetic library that holds information about your soul’s journey. It knows every single lifetime you’ve had. It’s a record of every choice you’ve made, event you’ve encountered and memory you’ve created as a soul over all your lifetimes. If you’re seeking to learn about who you truly are at soul level, desire to understand who you came to Earth to be and want to dive deeper into understanding your soul’s challenges and blocks, then an Akashic Record reading is for you.  

You can find out more about the Akashic Records in this blog post I wrote.

DISCLAIMER: If you’re purchasing a reading, please note the following: On the rare occasion, a Soul may deny access to its record once I commence a reading. This may occur if the Soul is undergoing development in the astral realms or wishes not to be read at that point in time, even if a client has given permission for the reading to occur on the physical plane. In this instance, an immediate refund will be provided to you as the reading will not be able to continue. Length of reports will vary depending on what your Akashic Record reveals at this point in your incarnation.

This reading is for you if you want to dip your toe into the world of Akashic Records. Do you ever get a sense that you’re different or find yourself gazing at the stars wondering what else iS out there? Perhaps you feel like you belong somewhere else. If so, this reading is perfect for you. 

25% of the world’s population are Starseeds – that is, a Soul that has originated in a star system outside of Earth. This short reading will tell you if you’re a starseed or not, along with your Soul origin and defining characteristics that make you unique.

Swipe through to see what the reading covers and what you will receive.

This reading is an intro to the Akashic Records and a great starting point! It helps you understand who you are at Soul level and is full of fascinating information that will answer many questions you have about yourself. 

Please note: Akashic Record Readings are not predictive but it will give you the detail you need to create success in your life. Think of it as a roadmap to deep purpose and abundance in a way that is meaningful and aligned to you.

Swipe through to see what the reading covers and what you will receive.

This reading is designed to work best as a follow on from the Soul Profile Reading and Mini Clearing.

However, it can also be used as a standalone reading if you are feeling blocked in a certain area of your life and want to discover what’s causing it on an energetic level.

You can purchase this reading anytime you want to create something new in your life and are feeling stuck.

Swipe through to see what the reading covers and what you will receive.

This reading is the full monty! It’s a combination of both the Soul Profile Reading and Mini Clearing, and the Unblocking Your Path Reading and Mini Clearing.

If you want to dive deep into your Soul’s history, challenges, gifts and past lives, then this reading is for you! You will also receive a full clearing within the Akashic Records and a 21-day Spiritual Clearing Ritual.

You also have the option to purchase this full reading for a spouse/partner or child, which you can note through the booking process.

Swipe through to see what the reading covers and what you will receive.

OPTIONAL ADD ON: If you’d like me to walk you through your reading and answer any burning questions you have, you have the option to book a live call with me.

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